Fraud trials are often complex and have become an expensive drain on the public purse. 诈骗案通常错综复杂,会给公共资金造成巨大损失。
The money could simply go into the public purse, helping to lower taxes. 这笔钱可以直接划入公共资金,帮助降低税收。
Days after being sworn into office, and with an almost bare public purse, he managed to find enough money to pay civil servants for the first time in many months so they could afford to buy food. 他宣誓就职几天之后,在国库几乎空虚的情况下,他设法找到足够资金,多月来首次支付公务员薪资,让他们能买食粮。
Across the Irish Sea, several bankers in the City also showed little or no regard for the public purse which eventually came to rescue them. 跨过爱尔兰海,伦敦金融城的一些银行家也对最终救助他们的公众资金吝于感激,甚至毫无感恩之心。
Taro Aso, the 72-year-old finance minister, recently joked that old people should hurry up and die so that they did not drain the public purse. 72岁的日本财务大臣麻生太郎(TaroAso)最近开玩笑说,老年人应该赶紧去世,这样他们就不会挤占公共资金。
Besides its fiscal problems, Japan has an ageing population that will be a draw on the public purse. 除了财政问题,日本还面临人口老龄化问题,这也将加重财政资金的负荷。
Making pensions a claim on the private sector rather than the public purse does not change the problem. 把养老金划归私人部门负责而取代从公家钱包掏钱的转移支付并不能解决问题。
Similar projects go ahead today only if underwritten from the public purse. 但今天类似的项目只能由公共财政拨款。
The cash contributed to political campaigns has now been repaid many times over from the public purse. 捐献给政治选举活动的资金目前已从国库获得数倍的回报。
Yet forcing universities to shell out on fee waivers may have an unintended but happy consequence: it could ease the pressure on the public purse. 然而,迫使大学把钱掏到学费减免上,能得到一个意料之外的好处:这样能减轻公共资金的压力。
They receiving money from the public purse, it is absolutely impermissible for them to speculate in shares. 因为涉及公帑资助,绝对不容许出现炒卖股票的情况。
Other central banks may take the incident as a sign that the bond market cannot be relied on to help the economy stabilise without more money from the public purse. 通过此事,其他国家央行可能会认为,在不注入更多公众资金的情况下,不能指望债券市场帮助经济企稳。
The interests of consumers and the needs of the financial economy will be protected by such co-ordinated intervention, and there will never again be major calls on the public purse. 通过这样的协调干预,消费者的利益和金融经济的需求将得到保护,以后也再不会出现大举动用公共资金的情况。
Besides, further raising the personal allowance deductible would have very significant financial implications on the public purse. 此外,进一步提高个人开支豁免额会对公共财政造成非常重大的影响。
If the financial crisis had been the fault of greedy bankers and careless politicians and regulators, its impact on the public purse had in turn returned the role and size of the state to the centre of political debate. 如果金融危机是贪婪的银行家、粗心的政治家和监管者的错,它对公共财政的影响反过来也让政府的作用和规模成了公众辩论的焦点。
The best way to safeguard the real economy while protecting the public purse is to ensure essential financial services to individuals and businesses are regulated but to refuse to underwrite risk-taking. 既要维护实体经济、又要保护国库资金,最佳方法是确保针对个人和企业的必要金融服务受到监管,但绝不要为冒险行为提供担保。
The financial problems of European universities stem from their near-total reliance on the public purse. 欧洲大学的财政危机起源于他们对公共投资的全权依赖。
And it is quite right for the public purse to direct and finance major infrastructure investments. 而利用国家财政引导并投资主要基础设施建设的做法也是相当正确的。
This is good news for older people ( even if they are not strumming a guitar). But it is terrible for the public purse. 这对老人来说是个好消息(即便他们不拨弄吉他),但是对国库可是个坏消息。
To reduce the probabilities of further calls on the public purse, the largest banks could be structured differently. 为了降低再次向公共财政伸手要钱的可能,大型国有银行可以用多种不同的方式重组。
Politicians, regulators and the media promise to shut up about seven-figure bonuses and opulent lifestyles; in return the banks agree to reimburse taxpayers for the subsidy they receive from the public purse. 政治家、监管机构和媒体承诺不再对银行七位数的奖金和奢华的生活方式说三道四;相应地,银行要同意向纳税人偿还自己收到的政府补贴。
In America, opinion has shifted sharply in the past year as more people doubt the efficacy of government spending and fret about the holes in the public purse. 过去一年中,美国舆论有了很大的转变,越来越多的人们不但怀疑政府支出是否起作用,还愈发担忧那些补不完的财政漏洞。
This would reduce the risk of calls on the public purse to support uncompetitive plants. 这会减少向公众要钱去支撑没有竞争力的工厂的风险。
This would be a bold project at any time, let alone when the public purse must contend with the demands of stimulus spending and financial stabilisation. 在任何时期,这都是一个大胆的工程,更不用说在公共财政必须对付经济刺激支出和金融稳定需要的时候了。
The common cause of all these calls on the public purse is the gap between the responsibilities government is thought to have assumed and the powers and competence government has to discharge these responsibilities. 之所以出现这些要求公众掏钱的情况,其共同原因在于,在人们认为政府应当承担的责任和政府为承担责任而应具备的权力及能力之间出现了差距。
But as a clarification I should point out that on the one hand, yes, state healthcare in the UK is effectively rationed as the public purse is not infinitely large. 但为了澄清事实,我应该指出的是,从一方面讲,没错,由于国库不是大得没边,英国的国家医疗服务实际上是定量配给的。
Later, when unemployment falls, the demands on the public purse fall with it. 其后,当失业率下降时,对公共资金的需求就会随之下降。
But any transfer of capital to banks from the public purse must come with the necessary strings attached to realise their public purpose. 但是,从公共金库到银行的任何资金转移,都必须附带必要的条件,以实现其公共目的。
They are net contributors to the public purse and hence subsidise state services for UK-born residents. 移民在公共财政中做出了净贡献,因而为英国出生公民所享受的公共服务提供了补贴。